Friday, April 15, 2011

Samuel's Easter Egg Coloring

This is a picture of a paint brush, the thing to dye the eggs and 2 eggs.

Easter egg!

I like easter becusue we have fun and we have easter eggs and we play on deck 7.I like playing with my friends at deck 7. It is fun at easter day.

Easter By Tom

I want a Easter egg hunt!!!!! What do you want for Easter? I love Easter!!!!!! I love palmsunday!

Easter by Anna

I like Easter becus it reemindes me about Jesus died on the cros and that I like it becus I like eggs. I eat choclit eggs.


I wunt sum choclit eggs.I like them so much. I like panting the eggs. The eggs were good. I like the eggs so much. I wunt to do a Eastr hunt. I like my Dads egg so much. The decorating was fun to do. The end.

What I like most in Easter!

What I like most in Easter are the fake Easter eggs. I like the surprize in them. But most of all I like painting them. I put the most deckerasheans in my family. I get the most Easter baskits in my family.