Friday, March 18, 2011

Family by Daniel

My family comes from Ghana. There are 4 peple in my family. I love them. I go to church with my family. My dad works on deck 8.

Family friends

My mum and Dad are nics. I have a brother and sister and me this is all my family. I love them
all and god best. My mom coocks brownies. My mom and dad are the best. my family goes to the
pool for fun.


I am Tom Farrell. There are 4 people in my famly. It is Josh and Mum and Dad. I am 6. Josh is 4. Mum is 32. Dad is 32. My family is from the UK. We go to the pool for fun!

My famliy by Aanna

I am Anna. I am going to tell you about my family. My Dad is Ray he is the oldesd. My daddy works as a electrician. Mommy is Nanita. She is a music teacher. Deborah is my sister. She is 9 and I am 6. On Sundays we go to the beach after church.

My family by Megan

My family has 4 people. My familys names are Selly Charles Luke and my name is Megan. In June my family is going on vacation. I live on the Africa Mercy. It is fun on the Africa Mercy. We have a pool on the Africa Mercy. My Mommy is in charge of the pool.


Hi my name Andre. I have a family their names are Rick, Lia and Ananda. I live on the Africa Mercy. It is fun on the Africa Mercy. I like swimming in the pool. On Ricks birthday we are going on vacaction. My famliy is mixed - we have 2 boys, 1 man, 1 women and 0 girls. Bye bye people.