Friday, February 11, 2011

I vizit the preschool

We vizit the preschool to play wif them. we do 10 jumping jacks and we do 10 pishups and 10 punshs. We did a 100 cm snake.
by Libby

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

100 days of school by Anna

I had fan win we had the 100 day of school. We mad snaks and a 100 stickrs pictrs. We plad with the preschoolers. We did 100 exrsis on deeek 7.

The 100 day of school

We made a 100 cm snake in preschool We had fun. We red books to the preschoolers. We did exersizes.

by Daniel

Mooving places

I Mooved places from Appelsbosh on a saturday and I was sad for mooving beekus I like Appelsbosh. So mach beekus I like to clime trees and my frends too. THE END

Mooving places

On the day we moved places on the ship it was sunny. We moved on saturday. I was happy when we moved places. It was a fun day for me.

Fun! by Tom

I had fun over cristmas! Not at school. Playing with Nanny and Grandad and Amy and amy and Mum and Dad and Josh and Andre and Daniel and Anna Peet. Now I am at school and on the ship and I can play my Star Wars wii! I am on a ship that is sailing to Sierra Leone.